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Flat plan and designs

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

It's time to start writing a rough copy now that I've finished most of my research, been comfortable with magazine design aspects, and decided what I want in my magazine.

Front Cover

You can notice that my front cover did not previously have a main image below the text if you check out my earlier blog entries. But it does in this flat layout. That's because I made the decision that I wanted the cover shot to accurately represent what I intended my magazine to convey through an image, which I feel would be more effective in piquing readers' interest in picking up my magazine.

Looking at the font, "soulmaze" is the masthead, "jumper" is the headline, "apollo" is the cover line, and "amefaryas" is the selling Line, byline, and miscellaneous. For the font, I have stayed consistent in my choices. I haven't changed my mind on any part of the front cover other than adding the main image in the flat plan.

Table of Contents

For my table of contents, I also decided to stay consistent in both fonts and in dimensions, and layout. The two headlines, "jumper", represent the two main articles I will have in my magazine.

Additionally, all the art displayed in ALL of my flat plans is my own that I made digitally specifically for the flat plan of my magazine. However, the main image centered in the table of contents is simply a placeholder for some real photography that I will do after I complete taking photos for my magazine, the photos IIIby fonts and take will be featured in my next blog post to help you, my readers, get a better grasp of what I will feature in my magazine.

Double Page Spread

The following is a layout of my double-page spread rough draft. I would like to use a lot of images to help make my magazine more creative looking. Everything in the font, "amefaryas" will be the article itself. And "soulmaze" will be the headline for my article.

This is a basic notion of what to expect, though without the real photographs I will be using in my magazine are lacking, it is more difficult to get a real perspective into what my magazine will look like when completed.

And again, as a reminder, the images here will not be featured in my magazine, but are simply placeholders for photos I will have in my magazine later on.

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