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Magazine Cover Analysis

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

An in-depth look at my thought process for the design and layout of my magazine

Inside the pages


For my magazine, I would like to do an in-depth analysis of the cross country team at my school. A type of sports issue magazine. My goal is for the material to be some interviews with the coaches, with a focus on the cross country team's progression this season, and some fluff pieces with running tips and tricks.

Target Audience

There will be three main audiences for my magazine. The first will be sports enthusiasts, especially those who are interested in or are involved in running. The second will be youth or teenagers, seeing as this is a high school cross country team. The third will be readers interested in health and wellbeing, those who are perhaps interested in beginning to run and workout.

What's on the outside


Since my magazine is sports-focused, I'd like the masthead to say exactly that. But I would also like the masthead to be more unique to my school's team. Therefore I have narrowed some ideas down. One of my ideas is to include the name of my high school team in the masthead. One of my ideas is "Royals Rapids". Rapids being a homage to our fast running and Royals being a homage to the school team. Another idea is to completely separate the school from the magazine. Some masthead ideas for that is "Run with it!" or "Mile Magazine".

Cover Line/Main Cover Line

I would like to have two cover lines. One of them to be a sneak peak into some running tips from the cross country team coaches. And the other cover line to be a look into one of the cross country team's meets. I believe that both of these cover lines will draw the attention of my main audiences.

Selling Lines

I want to have a short yet summary of my magazine as my selling line. One of my ideas is "Improve your running with The Royals"

Main Image

I want the main image to be a wide shot of nature with one of our team's runners running in the center of the photo. I think the beauty of the landscape behind the runner would show the constant change of scenery you see as a runner, and with the runner in the middle it illustrates the more sporty aspect of the magazine, and allows the reader to immediately know that this is a running and sports magazine.



I want the masthead for my font to be a little more unique and fun, while still keeping a timeless, classic aspect, rather than the generic fonts you would usually see in serious sports magazines. But that may change depending on the masthead title I decide to go with. I got this font from the website

For my cover line, I want to stay with a more classic font, but one that looks italicized, as to not take away from the fun aspect of the cover. I was thinking a sans serif font like the below.

For my selling line, I was thinking the font Times New Roman, I think it would tie nicely to the masthead font, without being too similar,].

Color Scheme

For the color scheme of the magazine, I want it to have lots of natural greens. I believe it has a sporty aspect to it. I want to stay away from the color red and navy blue for my magazine too, since I think those colors are overused in sports magazines. Some color scheme ideas of mine are below:

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